
Re: 英語とかの質問にスレ主が超適当に答えてくれるスレ ( No.75 )
日時: 2013/12/25 19:40
名前: Nitro ◆JzLc3ZCK.Y (ID: DrkZ5g/p)
参照: Short of shotas.

I ate a piece of bread ( ) butter.
 A.with  B.and

Not only he but also I ( ) an interpreter.
 A.am B.is

Jack as well as I ( ) tired.
 A.are  B.is  C.am

Each of you ( ) to hand in your paper by the end of this month.
 A.has  B.have

Neither you nor they ( ) to go.
 A.has  B.have

Lots of sugar ( ) left.
 A.is  B.are

Here's ( ) of water.
 A.a plenty  B.plenty
